Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hannah's Apointment

Hi Friends,
Thank you all for the prayers the last few days. What a blessing to go to our sisters in faith, and know they are praying.
Hannah's appointment was a bit discouraging for mommy. The dr. said that her body isn't responding to the immunoglobin G. We will keep doing the treatments until the end of Feb. as well as she will be taking an oral antiboitic until the end of Feb. Then we will reevaluate her progress from there. He really thinks that it is not hypogammagobulinemia, and it has something to do with her T - cells. So more test, and waiting...
We know she is in the palm of God's hand, and He is in control of it all! So glad I'm not in charge... (O: We will update more tomorrow, i can't think well, I'm so tired...
We are off to a good nights sleep... I drove 4 hours total yesterday, and 4 hours total today... very tired mommy. Hope that you all have a bleesed week.
Much Love and Prayer's,
Lori and crew


Sarah Joy said...

sleep well tonight Lori, you need it.I am praying and was praying all day especially with all the crazy weather out in AL!

Sarah Joy said...

sleep well tonight Lori, you need it.I am praying and was praying all day especially with all the crazy weather out in AL!

Not your Happily Ever After said...

We will keep praying for Hannah and for you and the doctors as well. May God give you peace, rest, and comfort in knowing that this is all in his plan and he knows exactly what he's doing.

You are more than welcome to use the doll pattern. :)

Mindy said...

Oh Poor little Hannah! I do hope they can figure out what will help her feel better. I will of course be keeping your family in my prayers.

Mindy said...

I have an award for you over at my place!

Lisa said...

I am praying in Jesus' Name that Hannah will be healed. It is so hard when our kids are sick, you take care and know that she is in the Lord's Hands and He will work all things good for His Glory. I will be praying and I am looking forward to a good report.