Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hi Friends,
We have had a good week with daddy home some. We went on a few field trips, and learned so much history. From pre-civil war to present day. It was so neat and interesting. We also received a chair that dates back to the mid to late 1800's. It came from a train wreck, where the items off the wrecked train were sold far below actual cost. A chair that sold for $150.00 to $200.00 for about $2.00 - $3.00, they could not be reused, so they were sold to the public for little cost. We enjoyed spending time with family as well. I think that family history is the most interesting of all. Being in foster care most of my life, I love to find out what I can on the history of my husbands family. It is the girls history too. We also visited a train track near Riverside. The girls found old train nails, and were so happy. They even found a few extras to give to friends.
We hope that you each have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayer's,
Lori and crew

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