Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hannah's feeling better

Hi all,
Hannah has been running fever for a few days, 102.0, to 103.0. We did visit the pedatrician, and Hannah has a virus. We are trying to keep her resting as much as possible. Her fever has gone down today, and she is resting often. We will be keeping an eye on the fever and go from there.
We appreciate all the prayers. We know that God hears them.
On othere areas, we are working hard with our history and the girls are enjoying the history feild trips. We are also learning much in science, right now we are studying Hannah's health issues, one at a time. Also we are learning "fruits of the spirit" in Bible, school is going well, and we are having fun learning.
Sarah received a letter from her pen pal in Poland, that was really neat.
Hannah has written her pen pal that lives in Canada. We have also enjoyed learning about other cultures.
We hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayer's,
Lori and crew

1 comment:

Missy said...

Hey, we love you! You inspire us! Sarah, what has been you're favorite history field trip?


The Mitchells