Hi Friends,
We hope that you are doing well. We are ok, Hannah is good, just very tired lately. We are letting her rest as much as needed. We are going to Riverside tomorrow to see family, so she is excited about that. We are excited to visit again. The girls are both taking cameras so they can take pictures. They love spending time up there. Also they love history and the house was built in the
1800's before the civil war. They would spend weeks there if they could.
Hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much Love and prayers, Lori and girls
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Long days
Hi friends,
We hope that you are all doing well. We are keeping busy. We worked at church Thurs., Fri., and Sat. and are so tired. It was fun, and well worth it. We had a huge moving sale, and were really excited that so much was raised. God is good! We were so busy, and the turn out was wonderful. We were able to help other churches and families with the sale. So that in itself was a blessing for the community.
Hannah is feeling good this week, and doing pretty good. Her legs are hurting her some, but not keeping her down, so that is good, and she knows when to rest. That helps, then she can play more when she feels up to it.
Sarah is doing good, she has been working on christmas gifts and games, she loves making her gifts. She and Hannah are so creative, Hannah is making jewlery for her cousins and friends.
We are keeping up with school and even a little ahead, Hannah loves working extra to finish early. Sarah just does each days work that day, and prefers to stat right on target.
They are fun to watch.
We hope that you have a great week.
Much love and prayers,
Lori and girls
We hope that you are all doing well. We are keeping busy. We worked at church Thurs., Fri., and Sat. and are so tired. It was fun, and well worth it. We had a huge moving sale, and were really excited that so much was raised. God is good! We were so busy, and the turn out was wonderful. We were able to help other churches and families with the sale. So that in itself was a blessing for the community.
Hannah is feeling good this week, and doing pretty good. Her legs are hurting her some, but not keeping her down, so that is good, and she knows when to rest. That helps, then she can play more when she feels up to it.
Sarah is doing good, she has been working on christmas gifts and games, she loves making her gifts. She and Hannah are so creative, Hannah is making jewlery for her cousins and friends.
We are keeping up with school and even a little ahead, Hannah loves working extra to finish early. Sarah just does each days work that day, and prefers to stat right on target.
They are fun to watch.
We hope that you have a great week.
Much love and prayers,
Lori and girls
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hi Friends,
We hope that you are all having a blessed week. We are, and on track with school, no big problems.
Hannah is feeling btter, no fever, so that is a blessing. She is starting to eat again, so we are glad about that. Sometimes she just doesn't feel up to eating. Hopefully that won't reoccour to soon.
Yesterday we were running errands, and were leaving the house. There is a large puddle anytime it rains, and there were several birds playing in the puddle. It was neat, there were Robins, one Bluejay,a Cardinal, and another bird we weren't sure about. It was fun to watch them play in the water. The girls love nature, so anything like that is so fun. What kinds of birds live near you?
We hope that you are having a blessed week, and enjoying God's blessings.
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
We hope that you are all having a blessed week. We are, and on track with school, no big problems.
Hannah is feeling btter, no fever, so that is a blessing. She is starting to eat again, so we are glad about that. Sometimes she just doesn't feel up to eating. Hopefully that won't reoccour to soon.
Yesterday we were running errands, and were leaving the house. There is a large puddle anytime it rains, and there were several birds playing in the puddle. It was neat, there were Robins, one Bluejay,a Cardinal, and another bird we weren't sure about. It was fun to watch them play in the water. The girls love nature, so anything like that is so fun. What kinds of birds live near you?
We hope that you are having a blessed week, and enjoying God's blessings.
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
Monday, September 21, 2009
downward slop?
Hi Friends,
We hope that you are doing well. We are keeping busy. School is going good, Hannah started back playing and practicing piano, and is very excited. She is doing good, and loves to sing and make up her own songs. Sarah is excited about taking art and photography, someone donated an old Cannon AE 1 program camera to our church moving sale, and we got it for a few dollars... They are ready to use them some... They have made some neat art projects, and lots of painting and charcol drawings...
Hannah has been a little under the weather, not wanting to eat much and sleeping a lot. We will be keeping an eye on her, her head has been bothering her some this week too. Migranes occur about every two or three days, so we are always on alert for that.
Otherwise we are just here, having fun, learning new things, and encouraging each other daily. We have gotten lots of rain this past week, and this week is supose to be the same.
We hope that you have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
We hope that you are doing well. We are keeping busy. School is going good, Hannah started back playing and practicing piano, and is very excited. She is doing good, and loves to sing and make up her own songs. Sarah is excited about taking art and photography, someone donated an old Cannon AE 1 program camera to our church moving sale, and we got it for a few dollars... They are ready to use them some... They have made some neat art projects, and lots of painting and charcol drawings...
Hannah has been a little under the weather, not wanting to eat much and sleeping a lot. We will be keeping an eye on her, her head has been bothering her some this week too. Migranes occur about every two or three days, so we are always on alert for that.
Otherwise we are just here, having fun, learning new things, and encouraging each other daily. We have gotten lots of rain this past week, and this week is supose to be the same.
We hope that you have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Nice Day
Hi friends,
We hope that you are all having a blessed day, and week. It flys by... We are doing good, Hannah is having a good week, no fever, and felling better, the rain has helped some, it helps clear the air of all the pollen. She has been walking more, and we took over 6000 steps yesterday. For me 2000 steps are about 1 mile, so I was excited about that. Hannah always beats me, and she had close to 8000 steps yesterday. Wed. are busy for us with school, the grocery shopping, the church in the evening, so it is a good day for walking. We have also taken all the added sugar out of our diets, and using only things with natural sugars in them, like fruit, and that has been good. We are also to drinking over a gallon of water a day each, so that is good. No soda's or sweet tea until after the water is gone. And then only one small cup 4oz. after that, then orange juice or grape juice, and then more water. We are seeing a good change for all of us.
Hannah and Sarah have also gotten a few more pictures lately, thank you to all who are helping them with this project. What a blessing to have so many prayer partners. God is good all the time!!!
Hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
We hope that you are all having a blessed day, and week. It flys by... We are doing good, Hannah is having a good week, no fever, and felling better, the rain has helped some, it helps clear the air of all the pollen. She has been walking more, and we took over 6000 steps yesterday. For me 2000 steps are about 1 mile, so I was excited about that. Hannah always beats me, and she had close to 8000 steps yesterday. Wed. are busy for us with school, the grocery shopping, the church in the evening, so it is a good day for walking. We have also taken all the added sugar out of our diets, and using only things with natural sugars in them, like fruit, and that has been good. We are also to drinking over a gallon of water a day each, so that is good. No soda's or sweet tea until after the water is gone. And then only one small cup 4oz. after that, then orange juice or grape juice, and then more water. We are seeing a good change for all of us.
Hannah and Sarah have also gotten a few more pictures lately, thank you to all who are helping them with this project. What a blessing to have so many prayer partners. God is good all the time!!!
Hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
Sunday, September 13, 2009
no so long a weekend
Hi Friends,
We hope that you are all having a blessed weekend. We have been busy, but having nice family time. The girls and I helped a friend yesterday with a school project about the Constitution, and then helped another friend with laundry, then rested, then today we spent time with grandmommy, Lonnies mom, ate lunch with her, spent more time helping friend with project, the rode bikes and walked the dogs around the parking lot of the church that is across the street from us, we went around two times before it began to rain.
Now we are home again, just hanging out. Hannah and I colored a pony picture, that was fun. Sarah is watching a movie, dad is checking mail and paying bills. All the time seems to go by so fast. Hannah and I were up most of the night last night, so it was a long night, but not to bad.
We have gotten many pictures from differnt states and from liscense plates, thank you to everyone who has sent mail for the girls project. They love seeing the post marks on the letters too.
On other things the girls and I am starting to walk every day, and try to see how far we can walk in a weeek. Today we walked 1369 steps from lunch time until dinner time. Hannah needs to be careful what she eats because if the crohn's, so we are changing may things
in our lives.... join us... how far can you walk this week. We are trying for 15,000 steps. Good Luck.
Hope that you each have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
We hope that you are all having a blessed weekend. We have been busy, but having nice family time. The girls and I helped a friend yesterday with a school project about the Constitution, and then helped another friend with laundry, then rested, then today we spent time with grandmommy, Lonnies mom, ate lunch with her, spent more time helping friend with project, the rode bikes and walked the dogs around the parking lot of the church that is across the street from us, we went around two times before it began to rain.
Now we are home again, just hanging out. Hannah and I colored a pony picture, that was fun. Sarah is watching a movie, dad is checking mail and paying bills. All the time seems to go by so fast. Hannah and I were up most of the night last night, so it was a long night, but not to bad.
We have gotten many pictures from differnt states and from liscense plates, thank you to everyone who has sent mail for the girls project. They love seeing the post marks on the letters too.
On other things the girls and I am starting to walk every day, and try to see how far we can walk in a weeek. Today we walked 1369 steps from lunch time until dinner time. Hannah needs to be careful what she eats because if the crohn's, so we are changing may things
in our lives.... join us... how far can you walk this week. We are trying for 15,000 steps. Good Luck.
Hope that you each have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hannah update
Hi friends,
Hope that you are all having a blessed day and week.
We went to children's today, and Hannah is doing good. The crohn's is possitive, but everything else was negative, lukemia, and three other things. We are prasing God that He has kept us close to Him. We are blessed beyond belief, we still pray for healing, and God's timing with everything. Crohn's isn't a death sentence, or life sentence, it is a day by day thing. Thank you for the prayers on our behalf, we apreciate it. God is good reguardless of the outcome.
Have a great week.
Much Love and Prayers, Lori and girls
Hope that you are all having a blessed day and week.
We went to children's today, and Hannah is doing good. The crohn's is possitive, but everything else was negative, lukemia, and three other things. We are prasing God that He has kept us close to Him. We are blessed beyond belief, we still pray for healing, and God's timing with everything. Crohn's isn't a death sentence, or life sentence, it is a day by day thing. Thank you for the prayers on our behalf, we apreciate it. God is good reguardless of the outcome.
Have a great week.
Much Love and Prayers, Lori and girls
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
just a thought....
Hi Friends,
I hope that you are all having a blessed day.
I came across this thought recently, I am not sure who wrote it, or where I found it, but it is worth sharing, be blessed today.
" The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman."
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
I hope that you are all having a blessed day.
I came across this thought recently, I am not sure who wrote it, or where I found it, but it is worth sharing, be blessed today.
" The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman."
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls
Hello again
Hi Friends,
We hope that you are having a blessed week. Hannah is feeling good today, no pain, and no fever, thank you Jesus! We are due to go back to Children's Hospital in Birmingham tomorrow morning. We are not worried, we know that God holds us in the palm of His hands. We feel than since they diagnosed her with Crohn's, that it is very unlikely that she has lukemia. Only God knows, and He will be with us tomorrow when we go. We appreciated all the prayers thus far, we know that God is with us.
Here is a verse that has been dear to me this week.
Ps. 46:10 "Be still and know that i am God."
We are being still this week, are you? Sometimes when a trial hits us we panic, when we panic we can not hear the voice of God... I want to hear Him... How about you?
We hope that you each of you have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayers.
We hope that you are having a blessed week. Hannah is feeling good today, no pain, and no fever, thank you Jesus! We are due to go back to Children's Hospital in Birmingham tomorrow morning. We are not worried, we know that God holds us in the palm of His hands. We feel than since they diagnosed her with Crohn's, that it is very unlikely that she has lukemia. Only God knows, and He will be with us tomorrow when we go. We appreciated all the prayers thus far, we know that God is with us.
Here is a verse that has been dear to me this week.
Ps. 46:10 "Be still and know that i am God."
We are being still this week, are you? Sometimes when a trial hits us we panic, when we panic we can not hear the voice of God... I want to hear Him... How about you?
We hope that you each of you have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayers.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday sermons

Hi Friends,
WE hope that you are having a blessed LORD'S day!
Here is the picture of Hannah's new nebulizer... isn't it precious... She loves it...
We enjoyed fellowshiping with others and learned so much Today, it was just what I needed....
One of the main things was in Job, where Job lost everything in a single moment, yet he worshiped God. He made it through and so will we. We just need to keep Jesus our main focus.
God is good!
What did you learn this week? If you would like to read the notes I took today, go to our blog "I am just a vessel".
Have a blessed week.
Much Love and prayers,
lori and girls
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hi Friends,
I would like to start with something that has weighed heavily on my heart this week. I have hurt feelings, and am concerned that it hurts Hannah and Sarah. Last week we were blessed by a few new people, and more prayers, which was a blessing. Then Sat. someone hacked into my yahoo account, and sent a letter to everyone in my address book, that I was in nigeria, and needed money to get home, 3,000. this was a complete lie. I never went to nigeria, and deffinately wouldn't leave my precious girls. Well I tried to let everyone know by new email. unfortunately we have lost those who wont reply to email. I am soory they were inconvienced by this, and hoped they would not hold it against me. Sadly I'll never know, they won't let me know why they left, so I can only think that this is why. It hurts my heart that the devil causes so much confusion, and hurt. Please know, we are a family that never would try to deceive anyone. We have two precious girls, they struggle with not understanding why someone would pray for them then disapear. Like I said before, if you have questions please email me, i will gladly talk to anyone... We covet prayers of other prayer warriors, and I am confident that God is with us through this all. We love to get to know new friends and prayer partners.
On other notes, Hannah is feeling so much better, it is a virus, so not much to do but wait it out. We did go see the pediatrician, and she said Hannah was looking good. I know that "This too shall pass" and we can be confident that God has us in the palm of his hand.
She did get a new nebulizer, and they usually have a cow or a pinguin or a plain black or cream one. Well her heart was set on a pinguin, and so we called a friend to pray, then we prayed all the way there, prayed right before we went into the health care place, and they had 1 left. Isn't God awesome! Hannah was able to see first hand that prayer works. Like so many times before, her heart is full knowing that God does hear even little ones. What an awesome God we serve!
Also Andrew, the boy we have been praying for, has stage 4 inoperable brain mass. Please continue to pray for him and his family. www.bellamella-melanie.blogspot.com is their site, I will try to figure out how to link back to their site.
We hope that you have a blessed holiday weekend and a great Lord's day.
Much Love and prayers, Lori and girls
I would like to start with something that has weighed heavily on my heart this week. I have hurt feelings, and am concerned that it hurts Hannah and Sarah. Last week we were blessed by a few new people, and more prayers, which was a blessing. Then Sat. someone hacked into my yahoo account, and sent a letter to everyone in my address book, that I was in nigeria, and needed money to get home, 3,000. this was a complete lie. I never went to nigeria, and deffinately wouldn't leave my precious girls. Well I tried to let everyone know by new email. unfortunately we have lost those who wont reply to email. I am soory they were inconvienced by this, and hoped they would not hold it against me. Sadly I'll never know, they won't let me know why they left, so I can only think that this is why. It hurts my heart that the devil causes so much confusion, and hurt. Please know, we are a family that never would try to deceive anyone. We have two precious girls, they struggle with not understanding why someone would pray for them then disapear. Like I said before, if you have questions please email me, i will gladly talk to anyone... We covet prayers of other prayer warriors, and I am confident that God is with us through this all. We love to get to know new friends and prayer partners.
On other notes, Hannah is feeling so much better, it is a virus, so not much to do but wait it out. We did go see the pediatrician, and she said Hannah was looking good. I know that "This too shall pass" and we can be confident that God has us in the palm of his hand.
She did get a new nebulizer, and they usually have a cow or a pinguin or a plain black or cream one. Well her heart was set on a pinguin, and so we called a friend to pray, then we prayed all the way there, prayed right before we went into the health care place, and they had 1 left. Isn't God awesome! Hannah was able to see first hand that prayer works. Like so many times before, her heart is full knowing that God does hear even little ones. What an awesome God we serve!
Also Andrew, the boy we have been praying for, has stage 4 inoperable brain mass. Please continue to pray for him and his family. www.bellamella-melanie.blogspot.com is their site, I will try to figure out how to link back to their site.
We hope that you have a blessed holiday weekend and a great Lord's day.
Much Love and prayers, Lori and girls
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
fever again
Hi friends,
We hope that you are having a good week. We are ok, Hannah has fever again, and getting congested, she swears she is not getting sick. Her breathing is worse today, and we just had another breathing treatment. I will be taking her tomorrow to see the dr. Swine flu is here, we haven't been exposed as of yet, but it is getting worse here. Several schools have a lot of kids and teachers out. My friend has it as does her 4 kids. Not fun I hear.
We also have a visit with the immunologist Wed. next week, so hopefully she will be well to go to it.
School is going well, and we have had a feild trip already. The girls are getting pictures for their projects as well and are so excited.
We are expecting rain the next few days, so we will be inside a lot. I am so glad it is almost Fall. Cooler weather at last.
Well I better go, hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much love and prayers,
Lori and girls
We hope that you are having a good week. We are ok, Hannah has fever again, and getting congested, she swears she is not getting sick. Her breathing is worse today, and we just had another breathing treatment. I will be taking her tomorrow to see the dr. Swine flu is here, we haven't been exposed as of yet, but it is getting worse here. Several schools have a lot of kids and teachers out. My friend has it as does her 4 kids. Not fun I hear.
We also have a visit with the immunologist Wed. next week, so hopefully she will be well to go to it.
School is going well, and we have had a feild trip already. The girls are getting pictures for their projects as well and are so excited.
We are expecting rain the next few days, so we will be inside a lot. I am so glad it is almost Fall. Cooler weather at last.
Well I better go, hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much love and prayers,
Lori and girls
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