Thursday, March 19, 2009

New information

Hi Friends,
Well it has been a busy week here. Hannah's infusion went good, although she did run fever after, and her head has been hurting her since Tues. so we are doing what we can to make her comfortable.
We also went to Birmingham yesterday, and they are incresing her IVIG treatment from 12.5 to 20.0. Hopefully that will elp her some.
Also they did more lab work, and are sending the blood samples to Childrend in Cincinnatti, Ohio.. to the hemotology and oncology department, so maybe they can tell us something else soon. They are retesting her natural killer cells (NK) and then the function of something CTL or something. Now we wait, that is how it goes.... Hannah and I both are getting good at waiting.
We are trusting God. His will for us is worth waitng for.
We have had a few blessings this week. God is good all the time.
We did have a safe trip, to Birmingham and back. I went by myself with the girls, so I was so glad that wee didn't have any trouble.
Also we got really good gas milage, I filled the van up before we left, and by the time we returned home we had used only 1/4 tank of gas. Usually it takes just over half, so that was so nice.

We are taking the girls swimming this weekend, as it stays nice, as they are so excited, they weren't able to go at all last year. They are watching the weather to make sure everything goes according to planned. We are learning to enjoy the simple things whenever we can. Also to make the best of every day, and situation, life is to short. We are trying to enjoy each day to the fullest.

Thank you for all the prayer's, please continue to pray for us. As we seek God's will in our live's, and in our family.
We hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much love and Prayers,
Lori and girls

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