Monday, March 16, 2009

Update on Hannah

Hi Friends,
We hope that you are each having a blessed week. We are resting, we are all sick still. Hannah has an infussion tomorrow morning, and we go see the immunologist on Wed. this week.
We have been so busy, being sick, and trying to get well. We also had a friends 6 week old one night and a 13 month old one night, and we have taken a few days off school to feel better. The weather here keeps changing from cold to hot, cold to hot, it is crazy weather here. I will be glad when the weather straightens out. I know Hannah and Sarah will too.
We had a special blessing recently, a friend who knows Hannahs infussion days can be hard, sitting still for three hours, and how Hannah doesn't like to be boared, gave her a small wooden dollhouse, with a little furniture and a doll, she loves it. It has stairs and a small garage in it. It is sweet. I think it is a Mellisa and Doug product, so we are on the hunt for more little people to put in it. Hopefully we can do something, if we can't mom will do her best to make some little wooden people to help Hannah out.
We have been so blessed with many friends who pray for us, and many friends, I know we couldn't make it without the prayers and support. Thank you all so much, it means a lot to us.
We hope that you all have a blessed week.
Much Love and Prayer's,
Lori, Hannah, and Sarah

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