Monday, March 2, 2009


Hi Friends,
We hope that you are all having a good and blessed week. Weare resting as needed, but doing well.
We had snow yesterday... I know that for some of you it is a regular thing, but we haven't seen snow accumilate in a while. The only time the girls have seen snow was about 7 and a half years ago. Hannah was about 18 months old. Sarah was about 4... needless to say there was much excitement from the girls here. We went to church, and when we came home it was so cold and snow was everywhere. After eating lunch we were going to go outside, and most of the snow had melted. The girls were sad that they didn't get to play in it, but glad they were able to see snow. Sarah said that it was a perfect birthday present, even though her birthday is not until Sunday the 8th. It was nice, cold, but nice.
Hannah is still feeling yucky, not sure what is going on with her right now. Waiting and watching is normal for her. She has had a headache for several days now, and still has a sore throat. We will be seeing if the Pediatrician can work her in again.... so goes her days....
We hope that you all have a blessed weeek, and are resting in God's grace and mercy.
Much Love and Prayer's,
Lori and girls


Mindy said...

Snow!? How exciting! Here in Montana we get so much snow that I'm afraid we don't really appreciate it anymore. I love to hear it when others that don't get to see it all the time get it. It is a wonderful site!

Guess what!? YOU are my 10 Things I Like About Me winner!! Yea!! Come on over and see what you've won ;)

And can you please email me your mailing address again? I feel so silly, I wrote it down, but don't know where! Thanks so much Lori!!

Sarah Joy said...

Just wanted to stop by and ay hellow tonight. How is everyone feeling today? Stil thinking and praying of your family often.