Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hi Friends,
We hope that this day finds you all well. We are doing... Hannah has to go to the dr. again today, she is steadily getting worse, no energy, and feeling bad, chaped lips, and nose, both cracked and bleeding some. She is such a trooper. So this afternoon we will be going to see our wonderful pediatrician, Dr. Fekete...just to see if there is anything we can do, that we aren't. Usually it is a wait and watch issue. Hannah is wanting to stay out of the hospital, as does mommy.. (O:
Also I have been tagged again... (O: Thank you Mindy... we love it... (O:
Speaking of which, Angus is doing better, the stitches came out yesterday, and the eye has cleared up, but still has the ulcer. Please continue to pray for this sweet puppy.....
God knows, and if it is important, it is important to God.

Okay, the rules of the game are as follows:Share seven random or weird book facts about yourself.Then tag 7 other people. Notify them that they have been tagged and sit back and enjoy reading random and weird stuff about about them =) Fun right!?Okay, on with the game!

1. I love reading myBible, i can get lost and read for hours..
2. I love books about the Amish, I'd love to live in an amish community....
3. I love books that are about history... anything from pre civil war on...
4. I love books that are in order, and in sets of at least 4 in the set.
5. I love books that are big, thick.. I can read a book in a day or two.
6. I am reading tow books right now, one abour the Civil War, and one about Laws.
7. I love to read to my girls, we read anything from books about Narnia, to school stuff, to Little House, Junie B. Jones, anything that sounds good. I am reading the Civil War book to them right now.

Well I must be going for now, we are going to get ready to go. Hope that you all have a blessed day.
Much love and Prayer's,
Lori and crew


Mindy said...

Oh poor Hannah! What a brave little girl she is... Please give her a HUG from me today!

And I wanted to congratulate you!! YOU are the big winner over at Ladybug Farm for the Magic Monday Drawing! Head on over to see what you won =) I hope it brings a smile to your face today...

Mindy said...

Oh yea! I will need your mailing address so I can send you the prize! You can send it to me at

Mindy said...

Oh of course your girls can participate! What a perfect age to start thinking of things to love about yourself!! I wish someone had done that for me at that age...

Have them sign their names so I know to put them in the hat separately =)