Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Prayers for a friend or two...

Hi friends,

Hope that you are each doing well... we are feeling so much better, starting to feel normal again... hum... what exactly is normal? I'll have to think on that one. (O:

We would like to ask you to please be praying for someone...actually it is a sweet dog... Angus... Angus's eye is infected and surgery is today, please pray that all goes according to God's plan, and the surgery goes well, as does the healing process... Mindy is worried about little Angus.

Also please be praying for family and friends who have lost loved ones over the last year, the holidays season is coming, and it may be hard for them to feel like celebrating... Please pray that they each find things to be thankful for and that Jesus heals their hurts...

Now on to something new, some of my friends have talked about being tagged... hum this is a change from that which I found on a recent site... I want to try it here, it makes you stop and think...

List 10 things you like about yourself..... Mine are listed below...

10 things I love about me:

1. I love that Jesus loves me as I am, imperfections and all,

2. I love that I have a willing heart, to be used by God daily

3. I love my ability to teach my children (homeschool)4.

I love being a good encourager

5. I love being a loyal friend

6. I love having a family to love and chreish, ( I was a foster kid)

7. I love that I can make my family and friends feel better with hugs and kind words, and prayers

8. I love that I am crafty

9. I love that I can love others so easily, thank you Jesus

10. I love to write.

It is good to stop an think why we are each special in oour own ways..

Here are Sarah's 10 things,

1. Sarah loves that Jesus loves her - as she is ( hum...) (O:

2. Sarah loves that she is a good friend

3. Sarah loves that she can cook really well.

4. Sarah loves that she is good with arts and crafts.

5. Sarah loves that she is smart.

6. Sarah loves that she can fix things, like a broken lamp...

7. Sarah loves that she is good with animals

8. Sarah loves that she is a good encourager.

9. Sarah loves that she loves learning.

10. Sarah loves that God has given her a special family.

Hannah will post hers tomorrow, since she is already asleep.... Hum we should be too... 3:30 is to early in the morning to be up.... Sarah is a good nurse too... (O:

Hope that you all have a blessed day..

Remember to hug those you love today...

Much Love and Prayer's,

Lori and crew


grammy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed reading about your family. I pray your daughter will be feeling better soon. What a hard time.

Mindy said...

Oh thank you so much for including Angus in your blog and your prayers!! Boy do we appreciate it. He is doing so well today, trying to play fetch with that dratted PLASTIC CONE on. He is such a fighter!!

Thank you so much. We REALLY appreciate your kindness =)

By the way... LOVE your blog!!

Mindy said...

oooh I forgot to say that I am so pleased that you liked the 10 things I like about Me post! That seemed to really get to people. I am going to do it weekly and every Friday hold a drawing. I think it's so good for people to realize what is good about themselves and if they get a little prize for it, what could be better!?

Mindy said...

Good Morning! I have an "award" of sorts, for you over at my Blog! Just giving you the heads up, so you can play too =)